The Hayseed cards

FrostbiteCurseCurseUnplayable. Whenever you play a card, increase the cost of a random card in your hand by 1 this turn.
GnatsCurseCurseUnplayable. You cannot play 0-cost cards this turn.
NettlesCurseCurseUnplayable. At the end of your turn, apply 1 Thorns to a random enemy.
SpoilageCurseCurseUnplayable. At end of turn, put this card on top of your draw pile if you played 3 or more cards this turn.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
HaymakerBasicAttack2Deal 9 (13) damage. Heal 4 (6) HP. Apply 1 Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Reap and SowBasicAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. Plant 1 (2) Potatoes, then add a Cultivate to your discard pile if you have any Mature Crops.
Reap and SquashBasicAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 4 (6) Block. Plant 1 (2) Squash, then add a Cultivate to your discard pile if you have any Mature Crops.
Reek and SowBasicAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage and apply 4 (6) Burning to ALL enemies. Plant 2 (3) Onions, then add a Cultivate to your discard pile if you have any Mature Crops.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
AerateCommonSkill2Gain 9 (13) Block. Plant 2 of your newest Crop.
Bumper CropCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Harvest 1 of your newest Crop.
Close ScrapeCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Plant 1 of your oldest Crop.
Culling StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. If you've Harvested this turn, deal 7 (9) damage again.
Double BarrelCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. If the enemy is Weak, gain [E] and deal 6 (9) damage again.
FermentCommonSkill1Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into your draw pile (, then draw a card). Gain [E] [E].
FertilaserCommonAttack2Deal 11 (14) damage. Plant 1 more of each Crop.
Onion BloomCommonSkill0Innate. Plant 1 Onion. Draw a card. Discard a card. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
OnionsCommonPower1 (0)Plant 3 Onions.
Pest ManagementCommonAttack1Deal 8 (10) damage. Next turn, gain 8 (10) Block.
PotatoesCommonPower1 (0)Plant 3 Potatoes.
PruningCommonSkill0Harvest all of your oldest Crop, then Plant 1 (2) stack(s).
RototillingCommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust a card from your hand.
Salad ShooterCommonAttack1Deal 6 (7) damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each time you've Harvested this turn.
Seed CoatCommonSkill1Gain 12 Block. The first time this card is played this combat, decrease its Block by 8 (4) and it gains Exhaust.
Slash And BurnCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Apply 7 (10) Burning.
Spice UpCommonSkill1Apply 10 (12) Burning. Draw 1 (2) card(s).
SquashCommonPower1 (0)Plant 3 Squash.
SwelterCommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) Weak and 4 (6) Burning. Gain 4 (6) Block.
Toughen UpCommonSkill1Gain 8 Block. If you have any Squash, Plant 1 (2) Squash.
ArtichokesUncommonPower2 (1)Plant 2 Artichokes.
Controlled BurnUncommonSkill1Apply 14 (20) Burning. Exhaust if the enemy didn't already have Burning.
CornUncommonPower1Plant 1 (2) Corn.
Crop RotationUncommonSkill2 (1)Harvest all of a random Crop. Gain a random In-Season Crop Power card.
Dig InUncommonSkill0Gain 10 (14) Block. Add a Depletion to your discard pile.
GerminateUncommonSkill1If your newest Crop is Mature, gain 14 (18) Block. Otherwise, Plant 2 of that Crop.
Go to MarketUncommonSkill1 (0)Draw a card for each different type of Crop you have.
InnovateUncommonSkill1Add a random card with Harvest to your hand. It costs 0 this turn (combat).
Keen EdgeUncommonAttack1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Deal 9 damage. Increase this card's damage by 9 and its cost by 1 this combat.
MulchUncommonSkill1 (0)Exhaust a card, then gain an effect based on its type: NL Attack: Gain 6 Block. Skill: Apply 4 Burning to ALL. All Others: Draw 2 cards.
PolycultureUncommonSkill1Shuffle 2 (3) random Crop Power cards into your draw pile. Exhaust.
RakeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (8) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Root DownUncommonAttack0(Innate.)Deal 6 damage. Plant 1 Turnips.
Soil SampleUncommonSkill1Shuffle up to 3 cards from your discard pile into your draw pile, then draw (Draw) a card. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Stock the CellarUncommonSkill1Ethereal. Gain 6 (8) Block. Each time this card is shuffled into your draw pile, increase its Block by 2 (3) for this combat.
SunchokeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (11) damage to ALL enemies. Each Weak enemy that takes damage also gains 7 (11) Burning.
SunflowersUncommonPower1Plant 1 (2) Sunflower(s).
SunseedUncommonAttack0(Innate.) When drawn, copy this card if your discard is empty. Deal 3 damage and gain [E]. Exhaust.
ThreshUncommonAttack3Deal 22 (28) damage. Costs [E] less for each time you Harvest this turn.
TurnipsUncommonPower1Plant 2 (3) Turnips.
Vine RipenUncommonSkill2 (1)Plant 2 Squash. If Squash is Mature, Block is not removed at the start of your next turn.
AsparagusRarePower1Plant 1 (2) Asparagus.
BarnstormRareAttack4 (3)Deal 6 damage to a random enemy for each Crop stack you have. Stun each enemy damaged 6 or more times this way.
BiorefinementRarePower2 (1)The first time each turn that you play a card with Harvest, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1 this combat.
BirdfeederRarePower1The next 3 (5) times you play a Power card this combat, heal 4 HP.
Buzz BombRareAttack2Deal 12 damage to a random enemy 2 (3) times. Plant 2 Sunflowers for each enemy killed this way.
ChilisRarePower1 (0)Plant 3 Chilis.
Crack of DawnRarePower2 (1)In 2 turns, deal 16 damage to ALL enemies, Plant 3 Corn, and gain [E] [E] [E] .
Crop DiversityRareSkill1Add 1 of 2 (3) random Crop Power cards to your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Desperate PlungeRareSkill3Costs [E] less for each Power card played this turn. Gain 30 (40) Block. Next turn, lose [E].
Double DiggingRareSkill1This turn, the next (!M!) card(s) you play that costs (cost) 1 or less is (are) played twice.
Erosion ControlRareSkill3Harvest all crops. Gain 1 (2) Intangible. Exhaust.
Fan the FlamesRareSkill1Apply 10 Burning (to ALL enemies), then double the (each) enemy's Burning. Exhaust.
FecundityRarePower3 (2)Gain 1 Abundance.
Flash PasteurizeRareAttack0Deal 7 damage to ALL characters. Remove all of your Debuffs. (Gain !B! Block.)Exhaust.
Hit the SackRareAttackXDeal 7 damage X (X+1) times. Plant X (X+1) Potatoes.
Land GrantRarePower0Gain 1 (2) Plot(s).
MushroomsRarePower2 (1)Plant 2 Mushrooms.
PhotosynthesisRarePower1 (0)At the end of your turn, spend all your unused Energy and Plant that many random In-Season Crops.
Research GrantRareSkill1Gain 16 (20) Block. Add 2 (3) Soil Samples to your discard pile. Exhaust.
Resistant StrainRarePower1Whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy, gain 4 (5) Block.
Salt the EarthRareAttack2Deal 24 (32) damage to ALL enemies. Add 2 Depletions to your hand.
SpinachRarePower2 (1)Plant 2 Spinach.
StrawberriesRarePower1Plant 2 (3) Strawberries.
SurplusRareSkill1Add 2 (3) random Common Crop Power cards to your hand. Exhaust.
Take HeartRareSkill3 (2)Gain 16 Block. Heal 5 HP. Plant 2 Artichokes. Do this again if your HP is at 50% or less. Exhaust.
Volatile FumesRarePower0Whenever you attack an enemy with Weak, apply 4 (6) Burning.

The Hayseed relics

Night SoilStarterThe_simpleton_blueWhenever you shuffle your deck, for each of your Crops that isn't Mature,Plant1 more.It grows on you.
Spud of the InnocentStarterThe_simpleton_blueAt the start of your turn, if you have no crops, Plant2Potatoes.Salvation for the thin-skinned.
Trusty SickleStarterThe_simpleton_blueWhenever you Plant a Crop, if you then have more stacks than its Maturity level, Harvest all excess stacks.Its purpose is clear-cut.
Weed PullerCommonThe_simpleton_blueAt the start of each combat, choose up to 2 cards from your hand to exhaust, then draw that many.Suitable for plant matter ONLY.
Cash CropUncommonThe_simpleton_blueWhenever you Harvest a Crop for the fist time each combat, gain 5 Gold.Cold, but not hard.
Gardening GloveUncommonThe_simpleton_blueAt the end of your turn, if you have exactly one Power card in hand, retain it.Sometimes you need to get into the dirt.
Gas CanUncommonThe_simpleton_blueWhenever you apply Burning, apply half that amount to each other enemy.What can expand to fill any container?
HoneycombUncommonThe_simpleton_blueWhenever you Plant a Crop, deal 1 damage to a random enemy.It may sting a little.
Hot PotatoUncommonThe_simpleton_blueHarvesting Potatoes now yields FlamingSpuds, which also apply Burning damage.There's no topping this one.
Jug of MoonshineUncommonThe_simpleton_blueOn turn 3, gain 5 temporary Strength, then gain [E] and draw an extra card. Randomize the cost of cards drawn that turn.Based on a carefully-guarded family recipe, the distillation process has claimed its share of casualties.
Pickling JarUncommonThe_simpleton_blueUpon pickup, choose a card. Every 3 times you shuffle your draw pile, add a copy of that card to your hand. It costs 0 that turn.Sour, salty, and full of dark magic.
Planter BoxUncommonThe_simpleton_blueEvery 3 turns, gain 1 additional Plot.Imported soil tends to produce a less twisted harvest.
Spud of the MartyrUncommonThe_simpleton_blueWhenever you lose HP in combat, gain 1 temporary Strength the following turn.Roasted for a good cause.
Horn Of PlentyRareThe_simpleton_blueAt the start of each combat, add a random in-season Crop Power card to your hand. Then gain 1Abundance which lasts until end of turn.More than adequate.
Gourd CharmBossThe_simpleton_blueAt the start of your turn, if you have no crops, Plant2Squash.Crafted specially for adventurers who prefer Hard Mode.
Onion BeltBossThe_simpleton_blueAt the start of your turn, if you have no crops, Plant2Onions.Once wielded by the Elders, now largely out of style.

The Hayseed potions

Bloom PotionUncommonGain 2Abundance. At the end of your turn, lose 2Abundance.
Kindling PotionUncommonApply 15Burning to ALL enemies.
Swig of MoonshineUncommonDiscard your hand and draw 5 cards. Gain 5Strength and become Intoxicated until the end of your turn.

The Hayseed keywords

AbundanceIncreases the number of Crop stacks Planted by cards.
ArtichokesCrop. Grants Thorns when harvested.
AsparagusCrop. Grants Dexterity when harvested.
BurningBurning creatures take damage at the end of their turn, then lose Burning.
ChilisCrop. Deals damage and applies Burning to all enemies when harvested.
CoffeeCrop. Gain energy when harvested.
CornCrop. Draw cards when harvested.
CropCrops provide beneficial effects when harvested.
DepletionDepletions are playable status cards that reduce your Energy and Draw next turn.
GnawberryGnawberries are attack cards that deal moderate damage and heal HP.
HarvestHarvest different Crops for various effects.
HuskHusks 0-cost skill cards that exhaust to grant a small amount of Block.
MaturityA Crop is mature if you have stacks equal to its maturity level. One stack of each mature crop is Harvested at the start of your turn.
MushroomsCrop. Gain random colorless cards when harvested.
NumbTemporarily increases the cost of a random card in hand when a card is played.
OnionsCrop. Applies Weak to a random enemy when harvested.
PlantGain that many Crop stacks.
PlotSlot for planting Crops. Your Plots determine how many different Crops you can have at one time.
PotatoesCrop. Yields 0-cost Spud attack cards when harvested.
SpinachCrop. Grants Strength when harvested.
SpudSpuds are 0-cost attack cards that exhaust to deal modest damage.
SquashCrop. Grants Block When harvested.
StrawberriesCrop. Yields Gnawberry attack cards when harvested that also heal a small amount of HP.
SunflowersCrop. Gain energy when harvested.
TurnipsCrop. Yields an attack card when harvested which deals scaling damage to all enemies and adds a Turnips card to your discard pile.

The Hayseed creatures

The HayseedPlayer75